I’m back! Sharing everything that I feel called to share!

I have wanted to share so much with you for so long now but every time I felt the call to do so I found myself making up so many excuses not to do it.

I would put it off time and time and time again because my ego was telling me that no one wanted to listen to me babble on or read a blog post.

I found myself feeling overwhelmed by the social media shift to short videos as I’m more of a talker. I like to get past the initial layers of chit-chat and dive deeper with people.

I also find that I plan to talk about one thing and end up somewhere else which always ends up being what was really needed by those who come across my content.

The biggest battle I had to face to be able to come back to my truth was overcoming so much guilt!

I use to always share my journey on Facebook, years ago, when I was battling my hardest days, physically and mentally.

However, as I began to find my spiritual side and I found holistic practices that helped my health. I felt I couldn’t share this as most of my followers suffered from chronic illnesses.

And my mind was feeding me a story that I would cause them pain as they were still in the place I use to be. I told myself this story because I was that person!

I use to watch people doing better and think:
“You’re going to suffer for doing that!”
”This is a life-long illness. You can’t just get over it.”
“You are going to crash and burn!”

My inner dialogue was so negative, I would not allow myself believe I could ever overcome the illness because I didn’t know of anyone who had! And that’s because I surrounded myself with people who were like me, who also had the same mindset as me. Reinforcing all the negative self-talk I had going on.

I know now that a chronic illness is not a life sentence!

The guilt I was feeling was also encased in fear too. What if I started really sharing about how well I was doing and then I started going backwards, because I’ve done that before. Felt like I was getting some sort of life back and then BAM a few months of being sofa bound!

I’m happy to say I am now well over a year on from being mostly symptom free and there is no going backwards now because I understand the mind, the ego, the programming that is running in the background creating the physical symptoms.

So, coming back to sharing my thoughts, my experiences and all things me. I am a projector with the Human Design chart which means I love to share everything I learn with others. It’s almost like I don’t have control, it’s like a compulsive need to share because I know it might just help one person and that is a magical thing to be able to do.

After taking some time to figure out what aligns my soul truth I came to realise I want to share more in a way that will really help others.

So expect more youtube videos, blog posts and just pure awesomeness from this point forwards.

Thank you so much for joining me here and if you want to see more please do head over to my YouTube channel; subscribe & hit the notification bell.

If there is anything you’d like me to talk about then please do let me know.

Much Love

Katie Rose x


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Vibrational Energy of 2022