Your Spirit Guides

Are you aware that we all have spirit guides? And that we have more than one?!

You may have heard spiritual people talking about their spirit team and they may have a wide variety of spirit that makes up their team.

Everyone is different and I ALWAYS encourage you to go by your own experiences and work with knowledge that resonates with you.

Some people will include their loved ones, angels, star beings, ascended masters and more.

If we focus on just Spirit Guides for a moment you will notice that they differ from Angels as they have lived a human life. They can truly understand your daily struggles and your human experiences.

Some guides come to you for a short period of time or for much longer.

This is because they have their own gifts, skills, knowledge that they are here to share with you.

For example you may find a guide helps you with developing your connection with spirit and as you grow, learn and develop your gifts then they may move on and a new guide step forwards to help you to take the next steps in developing your connection further. Or maybe you discovered what you want to focus on such as mediumship or tarot and your new guide will help you master this area moving forwards.

Here are some examples of types of spirit guides you may be connecting with

If you’d like to discover and connect with one of your spirit guides you can either book a Spirit Guide Reading with me or you can listen to the Meet your Spirit Guide Meditation I’ve created below.

If you want to take your connection a step further you can book in with me for Psychic Development Mentorship.

I would love to hear your experience and connections with your own spirit guides.

Thank you for joining me in this space

Much Love

Katie Rose x


I’m back! Sharing everything that I feel called to share!