Let me ask you something…

What would it be like to allow yourself to imagine a life where you are

free from chronic illness? 

It almost feels impossible to think of, right

But what if I told you that it could be your reality?

Four years ago I thought a 

symptom-free life could never be my reality. 

I suffered for 14 years with a chronic illness (M.E/CFS) and my entire life revolved around what I could and couldn’t do. I was living in and out of a wheelchair, housebound, being in constant fear of getting worse, dipping in and out of depression all while trying to raise 2 kids and keep my marriage together. 

Honestly? I’d given up on my life looking any different. 

All I wanted was just an ounce more energy, so I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, desperately trying anything and everything to be able to find just a little bit more of it. 

I learnt so much about myself, like the fact that I was co-dependent, people-pleasing, self-sabotaging and I didn’t know what a boundary was.

Somewhere in that journey, I found the cause of my M.E… and the funny thing is, I wasn’t even looking. 

It turned out that everything I was living with all came down to childhood traumas, experiences and conditioning.  

Which, I know sounds heavy, but in actually fact it was the opposite, for the first time I had hope

If I knew what had triggered the M.E., maybe I had the power to shift it too! 

Well it turns out I did… after taking a holistic approach to my health through Mind, Body & Spirit everything changed.

The illness I thought was for life is now gone and I have my entire life back, symptom-free.

Everything changed when I found hope… and that’s exactly what I want you to have.

The first step is you believing that another reality is possible for you…

and that’s exactly what this FREE visualisation guides you into.

It’s time to believe things can change for you.

Have you been diagnosed with…

  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E)

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

  • Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS)

  • Fibromyalgia 

  • Long Covid

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Other stress-related illnesses

Then you are in the right place.

Here’s What Hope-Light Healing Can Do For You:

  • Find the root cause of your chronic illness so you know exactly how to become unstuck from it

  • Help you turnsymptom management” into “symptom-free” for good

  • Avoid the return of symptoms by learning the language of your mind and body so you can recognise and process stressful situations in the future 

  • Teach you how to regulate your nervous system so you can handle what life throws at you with more ease

  • Rediscover who you truly are - without chronic illness defining you

  • Build a spiritual connection to yourself by developing tools and techniques that you can use every day

  • "A lot of things that came up in our sessions really surprised me as I didn’t realise they were the cause for how I was feeling. I didn’t realise it would make such a massive difference to how I live my life and I’m so grateful."

  • "As soon as we finished our session, I checked my email and I had two high-profile clients booked in with me - those angels truly were helping me to fly!"

  • “I’m absolutely blown away by the power of this session."

  • "I was amazed! She really took the time to listen and focus on what I needed!"

  • "Not only did it relax me and make me sleep like a baby I actually felt an instant release in blocks, would highly recommend.”

  • "It lifted my spirits so much and helped clear some negativity in my life."

  • "OMG, it was brilliant I felt so relaxed and feel so much lighter, I feel more positive and more energy."

This approach works because it is holistic.

Most methods of healing chronic illness focus on one thing… but that’s not how it works. For true healing to happen, an approach needs to use the three elements below in unison.


A full release of the mental blocks and binds keeping you stuck so you know exactly how to move forward in a way that serves you.


Tackling the physical symptoms head-on, cultivating “a weight has been lifted” sensation so you can remember what it feels like to be light and free again.


Guiding you to be able to remember who you are at your core, handle what life throws at you and live a life that you love again.

Each session is designed for you, your needs, and your energy.

I am guided entirely by my intuition and spirit in how to hold space for you.

We begin with a chat to reveal what brought you to me and map out any symptoms you currently have to past experiences or situations.

One-off Sessions

As the session is designed for you, each session will look different. This could involve an inner meditative journey, NLP techniques, coaching, and removing old habits, beliefs and energy that are no longer of service to you.

I help you draw out & recognise that you hold all the answers you need to be able to release the block so the program is no longer running in your mind on autopilot.

At the end of the session, we talk about creating a personalised 7-day plan with tools and techniques to use as a way to build up the inner spiritual connection to yourself. This allows you to build a connection to your mind and body.

Hope-Light Healing Package

This package includes 3 x 1-hour sessions with me, each uniquely tailored to your needs.

You will receive 2 personalised meditations, created specifically to align with our sessions.

Additionally, you will get 2 custom sound baths, designed to either calm your nervous system or kickstart stagnant energy.

You'll also receive a weekly 7-day plan filled with tools and techniques to help you develop a daily practice.

Plus, you'll have me in your pocket for those moments when you need to share, ask questions, or seek support.

Please note: This is a commitment to yourself. To get the best results, you must be willing to put in the work and be open and honest with yourself.

How does the session work?

Are you ready to get your life back?

Hope-Light Healing Package
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Are you on the fence, not fully sure if this is for you? Then jump on a FREE connection call with me ask me anything.


“My symptoms have improved significantly, my emotions are stable and I am able to notice and work through the emotion when I feel them. The trauma around my relationship has also significantly improved and has helped me to disconnect as intensely as it was before. I am the happiest I’ve ever been after working together.”

- Ruby

“I booked in with Katie after following her for several months (maybe even years!) on Instagram. I was struggling with believing in myself and my abilities and hoped that a spiritual healing session with Katie would help me.

Honestly, it was the best hour I could have spent my money on. NLP to help me get through the blocks in my head, followed by my first ever sound bath. I remember saying to Katie during the appointment that I felt my wings unfolding and the angels were lifting me up and helping me fly.

As soon as we finished our session, I checked my email and I had two high-profile clients booked in with me - those angels truly were helping me to fly!

Katie is so down-to-earth, approachable, professional, and supportive. If you’re reading this review because you are hesitant about booking with her, take this as your sign to go ahead and book that slot NOW!!!”

- Kate

“I’m absolutely blown away by the power of this session. Being able to release deep emotions, fears, and lack has left me feeling like a powerful beam of light. I feel as if a new me has been able to step forward. I’m so grateful for this healing, and it was needed exactly at the right time! Divine Timing. Thank you, Katie Rose Jone. Highly recommended”

- Candice

“I had an online healing from Katie a few weeks ago! She made me feel extremely comfortable & completely at ease with her friendliness, I was super nervous in the beginning but throughout the session it was so relaxing! I had a few issues that I couldn't seem to get passed but with Katie's amazing techniques I was able to get passed the anxieties & fears!! I was amazed! She really took the time to listen and focus on what I needed!

Can't recommend Katie enough!”

- Shelby

“Had the most beautiful deep healing from Katie, not only did it relax me and make me sleep like a baby I actually felt an instant release in blocks, would highly recommend.”

- Natasha

“Just had reiki and sound healing with Katie, OMG it was brilliant I felt so relaxed and feel so much lighter, I feel more positive and more energy to keep going and improving my health and mind. Looking forward to booking my next session.”

- Rhian

“I had a beautiful healing with Katie. She made me feel so comfortable and it was so soothing and relaxing. It lifted my spirits so much and helped clear some negativity in my life. I’ve noticed that when some negative aspects (or people ) creep in again, I’ve been able to deal with them much better because I feel like the part of me that typically doesn’t handle the situation as well, is beginning to heal. Thank you Katie.”

- Holly

If you’d like to get to know me more and understand why I am so passionate about what I do and why I do what I do you can find more about me here…