Vibrational Energy of 2022

I’m sure you are aware that everything in life is vibrations, it is just energy, however, did you know that there is also a meaning to each vibration.

I am going to share with you my favourite vibrational energies that I like to work with and use it to show you what the vibrational energy of this year will bring.

Are you ready to find out?!

First, let’s look at the numerological energy this year is bringing…

2022 = 2+0+2+2 = 6

This means that the overarching universal energy of this year is a 6. I say overarching and universal as you will also have a personal year number and like all things, you can break things down into finer details like month and day to get a clearer picture of what is to come.

And if that is something that interests you, I send monthly energy readings out to my mailing list with all things vibrational energy, such as numbers, colours, angels, crystals, and essential oils, so if you feel called to, please do sign up to start receiving yours.

The 6 energy brings a year of love, family, and domestic responsibility.

This year you will find a strong energy of being of service to others, to love and nurture others. It also means being open to receiving love, support, and help from others for yourself too. No more giving, giving and giving when your energy is low or you yourself are in need of support. You can not pour from an empty cup.

It is a year to attend to your own responsibilities, taking care of yourself and your family and for some, there may be a house move to support your family needs. There is also a beautiful opportunity in this energy to mend broken relationships or to be able to express your peace in a caring and healing manner, bringing you closure.

Your family, be it by blood or chosen, will be a major focus of this year. Really listen to the unspoken words and guide those in need.

It will also be important to find balance, to refill your cup, light up your soul. You can do this by being creative, getting outside, and you may even start a home-based business.

This year has an indigo vibration, bringing a year of self-responsibility and powerful intuitions.

The vibration of indigo brings a very strong intuitive presence, so it will be key to listen to your gut feeling this year. It will be speaking to you every day, so make an effort to pause, to listen, by doing this you will be strengthening your intuitive ‘muscle’ and it will become stronger and stronger as you lean into this practice.

You may have also guessed that this practice will strengthen your spiritual connection and you can even delve into ancient knowledge bringing deep and meaningful truths. You may also be drawn into the esoteric so follow that instinct and let it take you on a journey.

This energy resonates with justice, law and order so have faith that all will work itself out as and when it needs to.

This year connects you back to your child-like self, to have fun, laugh, and do not be afraid to show the world your true goofy self.

It is also a great year to study, to delve into something that excites you, deepening your knowledge and understanding, especially that of the great divine.

When you are faced with challenges or obstacles this year you will be able to face them in a cool and calm manner.

It also brings in a strong family energy too, so pairs beautifully with the 6 energy of the year.

There will be a strong presence from Archangel Uriel all year round.

Archangel Uriel is such a wonderful Angel to have by your side this year. Last year Archangel Raphael brought us lots of deep healing and now Uriel will guide us forwards with his power light.

He is the bringer of light and will shine his light on any darkness (the unknown) in our lives, in the world, or even when we don’t know the answer to a question.

He is the Angel to call on when you are faced with any problems this year as he is a problem solver, who loves to bring great clarity.

If you are self-employed then call on him to help you to get up and keep going, He will bring things into your awareness or path that will remind you of why you are doing what you do.

Also, his energy pairs so incredibly with the family element that is strongly represented this year as he helps those with fertility issues, and is ever-present in men’s health on all level, mind, body & soul.

He will reflect the light that is within back to you to remind you just how beautiful, powerful, and confident you are when you peel back the layers of fears, insecurities, uncertainty, and more.


There is a strong focus on love and family echoing through all the frequencies showing up this year.

Embrace the love, the family, and commitment to yourself this year.

Trust in yourself, in your own power and intuition as it guides you through the unknown to where you need to be at the right time.

A year to have faith, to trust, and to explore the world within yourself emotionally and spiritually.

Don’t forget if you’d like to receive free monthly energy readings then you can sign up here

Much Love
Katie Rose x


I’m back! Sharing everything that I feel called to share!


A Week in St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales