Choosing A Word For The Year

I started doing this in 2019 and it has really help to guide me through the years and find a focus.

Why choose a word?

Every word we speak, write, or think carries a vibration, even our emotions carry a specific frequency. Like guilt has a very low vibrational frequency (30), whereas peace is a very high vibrational frequency (600).

So choosing a word to carry through the entire year can be a very powerful thing to do. It can bring you back to your focus, it can challenge you when you're not feeling your best, but it can also motivate you out of those states too. It's like having a best friend by your side throughout life's ups and downs. Allow it support you, to help you grow, to face the discomfort and challenges along the way.

My First word in 2019 was CONSISTENCY.

For me, it's as quick as clicking my fingers to choose a word. I believe you should always go with the first thing that comes to mind. If I start questioning it I end up with 5 words and I want them all!

Obviously, everyone is different as we all have different inter-representations, so we all approach things in different ways. Find what feels right for you.

In 2019 I finally became consistent within my work. I was always starting things and never finishing them or I'd post sporadically and I wanted to do better yet never set out a plan. That year I worked really hard to stay consistent and it worked! I started and finished an oracle deck within 3 months from start to finish because I had a plan, I stuck to it consistently and I produced something I didn't think was possible. Powerful stuff right?!

My word for 2020 was COMPASSION.

What a perfect word that turned out to be in hindsight. I wanted to bring love, compassion and kindness into everything I did but mostly to the people around me.

I found this word ended up teaching me a lot as I found compassion for myself, to give myself permission to take time off work, to look after myself and rediscover myself.

It also worked with those in my life too. Everytime I came up against an obstacle I found myself instantly giving love into that situation and I honestly surprised myself along the way. Situations where I thought I would have been angry I felt calm and so peaceful about things.

I had to say this was not all the time, there were obviously times I'd get annoyed or frustrated but instead of getting caught up in the energy of it or beat myself up, I came back to my word and reminded myself I'm human and it's ok to get things wrong and to learn from my mistakes with love and compassion.

My word for 2021 is TRUTH

This year I want to find my own truth, to not be afraid to express who I truly am to the world. I have found fear has been making an appearance lately and as I sit with that feeling, expanding the container around it and facing it head on, I have found I keep coming back to not speaking my truth.

I had stopped posting on my FB profile for a while because everything I do is spiritual and I have created a story in my mind that people don't want to see it, don't want to hear about spirit guides and angels, that they think I'm really weird and one of those crazy people.

But I'm learning that, that's ok. I know what I believe to be true, I know I help people to feel better, to connect with their own inner truth and power, so it's time to stand up and be strong in my own power, my own truth and if people don't like it then they don't have to stay. I will send love to those and welcome them back at any time as we are ever-evolving and changing beings and to be honest, I was once one of those people!

This year also works out as a Blue energy which is all about expression, finding your voice, not being afraid to voice your true self to the world as there are always others out there who align with you. It's about communicating through the voice, through expression, whatever expression is to you.

My Affirmation this year
"I speak my truth freely and unapologetically, setting my true self free."

I don't just let go of my words.

I bring every word from each year into the next year, like a support team. My word of the year is my main focus but there is always a subtle energy from the previous words that supports this year.

If you are struggling to find your word, why not look at the list below, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and as you open your eyes see which word draws your attention first.

Let me know which word you chose this year in the comments below.

As always thank you for being here.

Much Love,


Lions Gate Portal & New Moon


2021's Vibrational Energy