Lions Gate Portal & New Moon

Lets's talk about the 8:8 Lions Gate Portal first.

This portal happens every year and begins to open around July 26th to about August 12th, depending on where you are in the world. The peak of the portal opens on the 8th of August.

This portal happens due to a cosmic alignment, when the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, which is a fixed star rises with the Sun at dawn and aligns with the earth. When the Sun comes into alignment with Sirius, the light of the sun picks up these new light codes and transmits them to us.

Also Orions Belt also aligns directly with the pyramids of Giza. This portal brings a beautiful connection to Ancient Egypt and you may feel a strong connection to Isis, Hathor, and other Priestesses during this massive energetic influx and activations.

This is a time of great awakening and a deeper discovery of your true self. This energy coming through will allow you to decode and re-code at a cellular level.

You may find that some deep emotions come up or that you're met with an ego battle as you release anything that is no longer in alignment with yourself and the new 5D frequencies that are coming through.

Sirius is known for showering us with increased energy and dramatic new beginnings. Sirius is also a source of spiritual light and was known in ancient times as a symbol of abundance, fertility and would be a time to shift any old ways of being tied to scarcity.

It is said that Sirius is the "older sibling" to the Sun and if you think about how any shifts in the Sun like solar flares, geomagnetic storms, etc then affect the Earth's electromagnetic grid, which in turn affects the electromagnetic grid of our human bodies as we too are electrical beings.

This is why we feel so a massive influx of light codes at this time, and it is said that this energy helps humanity in a DNA transition from carbon-based to crystalline DNA.

You may also feel a strong connection with the stars, star beings and receive downloads of new powerful transmissions.

This is a perfect time to change your mindset, to see things differently and rewrite any beliefs that no longer serve you, and let go of old patterns.

The Portals Most Potent Day

The most powerful day is the 8th and when you look at it numerologically the 8 brings the energy of manifesting, empowerment & infinity.

This means you are at an optimal vibration to trust and allow, therefore you naturally manifest and co-create your desires as you know whole-heartedly that you will have all that you wish for.

The 8th creates an intense surge of light that accelerates your DNA activation, connecting you to ancient knowledge and wisdom. You are awakening lost knowledge from deep within from the time of the great divine feminine energies, you are awakening your divine light, the Goddess within.

Do not be afraid of these beautiful high frequencies, you are opening up to new royal codes. You are a powerful being and it's time to remember every unique part of yourself, embrace your truth, your body, your being.

There will be a lot of shadow work revealed to you at this time. As there is more light coming in, it is illuminating the parts of ourselves that we tend to avoid or have forgotten about for some time. You will be challenged by your ego as you begin to step into the light. Think of it as cleaning out a cupboard that you have just chucked a lot of shit into thinking I'll sort that another day.

NOTE - you may be experiencing things like:
Aches & Pains
Insomnia or lots of sleeping
Emotional Stress

These are all perfectly normal as your body is going through a transformation, a shift from deep within. You are shedding the past self you no longer want to hold on to so you can blossom and emerge as your divine awesomeness. Just allow the process to take place and thank yourself for allowing these changes to happen.

The New Moon

The New Moon also falls on the 8th, coincidence? I think not! It's like a portal inside a portal!

The New Moon in Leo will be bringing in some extra awesomeness taking you even deeper into yourself. This can bring up discomfort, anger, anxiety, and more for what may seem like no reason at all...well your conscious mind can't understand why it's happening.

However, at a deeper level, you are being prepared for releasing, rewiring your mindset, removing that stagnant energy that's been lingering for some time, and will help you dig deeper into wounds that you may have thought you'd already healed.

I invite you to sit with anything and everything that has been coming up for you in the last 1-6 months. Spirit and your own frequency have been preparing you for this big shift for some time.

This New Moon will bring some very strong amplifying energy, this is why we are feeling such massive changes, and shifts physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It also allows for this huge change to occur at a faster rate than usual.

Use this New Moon to set your intentions for any new projects, to dive deep into the shadows so you can bring that lost energy back into the light, into wholeness. Allow yourself permission to heal and move on.

What will you gain?

As you shed that past, heal from deep within, allow yourself to be activated, allow the codes to flow through your cells then you will come back to living from a place of joy, innocence, and humility.

You will be activated to receive new frequencies, light codes and your spiritual connection will be strengthened.

Always remember you are your own Goddess, you can always create and come back to divine love at any time. You ALWAYS have the choice to choose again.

As you come back to this truth of joy and happiness you will automatically raise your frequency allowing you to vibrate in a more coherent frequency and be in a divine state of receptivity and acceptance with the universe and the Earth.

You are co-creating your dreams.

This is a glorious and beautiful alchemical energy that surrounds you and it will bring incredible soul growth and personal accomplishments.

It also brings great strength, protection, and creation.


I hope you enjoyed this blog and have an incredibly powerful month.

Much Love

Katie Rose x


A Week in St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales


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