2021's Vibrational Energy

Well, 2020 didn't bring what we expected but we did see humanity come together as one.

For some 2020 has been the longest, hardest and most heart breaking year ever, for others it has been a year of self-discovery & growth.

So, what is happening vibrationally for 2021. Let's have a look at what the universal energy holds, through its number, colour and the influential Angel for this Year.

We are vibrating as a 5 energy. A year of freedom & transformation.

I always think of the 5 energy as quite a magical energy because anything can happen. Dare to dream and believe in those dreams wholeheartedly. It is a year to be optimistic, to trust that change is good and this year will bring many expected and unexpected changes. You must be adaptable and flexible just like the fox...yes, animals also carry their own vibrational energy and this is most definitely the year of the fox.

It's a year to be adventurous to take calculated risk, to move or change your job. To think outside the box, to be innovative and well, just be free. You may find you're being called to travel nationally & internationally. Nature will be a place for your heart & soul to be replenished and set free.

We break away from old routines and allow ourselves space to grow, to be challenged & to find our true voices.

This year has a blue vibration. A year of expressing your truth.

The vibration of blue brings strong communication and balance to your journey. To learn to express yourself, to say what you want and why you want it. You will also need to listen to others, and be observant of how you react. Your greatest growth will come from how you react and being able to be the observer rather than the reactor.

A year of being cool, calm & collected. To give things a go, to be resourceful. Share your opinions, ideas and truth with others. Do not hide your gifts, your inner truth from the world, it's a year to be heard and a year to heal.

This is a great year for learning whether that is academically or through life in general. A year to bring variety into your life but be mindful that you don't spread yourself too thin.

Remember, there is plenty for everyone and everyone is unique.

There will be a strong presence from Archangel Raphael all year round.

Archangel Raphael will bring his beautiful healing gifts to the world this year and what perfect timing for us to move forwards towards a united world with his warm embracing, restorative energy. To bring love, compassion and kindness to all we meet.

He also guides us on our travels which is so perfect for an adventurous, changing year.

He also reminds us it's just as important to heal ourselves as it is to heal others. To find that balance from within. Expect 'a-ha' moments, awakenings, deep self-discoveries. Know Archangel Raphael will be with you every step of the way.

On days when you feel depleted, unsure or lost, call on Archangel Raphael to support you, to lift your spirits, to brings signs & guidance. He is just a thought away.


This is a year of FREEDOM, of new adventures and inspiring ideas.

A year to express yourself fully, showing your true self, the self that has been hiding in the shadows.

A year of surprises, leading you to new opportunities, life lessons and bringing an ability to view life as an observer, so you can be objective and approach things with a more laid back energy when needed.

A year to heal yourself, your loved ones and the world.

A year to be a free spirit, unafraid of what others think as you let your truest self emerge with joy and child-like excitement.

I hope you find this helpful moving into the New Year my loves.

If you would like to receive a monthly vibrational reading direct to your inbox then please feel free to sign up here

As always, thank you for being here,
Happy New Year,
Much Love,

P.S If you'd like to learn more about the Angels and how to connect to them then I am holding an online workshop on the 18th of January.
Sign up here...


Choosing A Word For The Year


Are you a people pleaser?