Are you a people pleaser?

I am a people pleaser! I hold my hands up to it.

I know many of us are people pleasers and we put ourselves on the back burner as we try and help others, as we spread ourselves too thin and think we'll have time for ourselves tomorrow...only to fit something else in for someone else.

Who is guilty of this?

I find it funny that I've known I do this and I have actively tried not to spread myself too thin and even tell myself that I'm not, but I still am.

This year has been a year of deep diving within my soul, lots of discoveries and self realisations and so much learning.

Why is it important to say no?

Saying no tends to come up as something we need to say to others. How many times have you thought "agh I don't want to do that" only to hear "yes of course I'll do that for you, it's no problem," come out of your mouth? Come on hands up, who's guilty?

There comes a time when you have to recognise when you are spreading yourself too thin. Notice when you are doing things for others but find you haven't done anything you wanted to do for yourself for weeks, months, or even years.

You don't have to stay in this energy. You can choose again at any time.

Have you noticed you're tired, overwhelmed or have anxieties?

These symptoms come out of a place of dis-ease. It's time to take your power back! To step back into alignment. To heal.

Where else do you need to say no?

If you've already been saying no to people but find you're still feeling depleted it may be that you need to start saying no to yourself. Set yourself some boundaries.

This is what happened to me. I thought I had taken back control but I was allowing my own guilt and need for acceptance to take over, mostly in my work life.

I had to have a hard look at what I was doing. I realised I was working 5 days, including evenings and I was even doing things on the weekend too. I felt I needed to keep creating and doing everything I can to help others. I became so overwhelmed and felt like I never had time for myself.

I got really strict with myself and decided I would only do appointments on specific days and have a limited number of evening slots. I stopped working once the kids came home so I could spend more time with them. Then on the days I had "off" I would do the admin work, creating, updating, scheduling work and go for a nice long walk.

Set your own boundaries. Ask yourself "what do I want?" "what don't I want?" "what is stopping me from getting me what I want?"

Once you have a clear idea, implement your new boundaries and be strong with them.

Does it really make a difference?

100%! It has given me my power back. Allowed me to have time to be able to actually think and come up with new ideas for my business moving forwards. I had time to work on my own healing. I feel a weight has been lifted and the kids love having mummy's attention in the evenings.

What will you do today to tap into your power?


2021's Vibrational Energy


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