My NLP Journey

What a magical journey

I don't even know where to start. I feel so excited to share and I just want to tell you everything but without boring you!

I have consciously been working on myself for about 6 years after hitting 'rock bottom,' in the midst of my deepest depression, a place where I was crawling around my house as my legs had become as reliable as one of those yo-yo's from a Christmas spins down but never comes back up without a lot of help.

I had given up hope until I had a moment of true clarity, a deep knowing and a visit from spirit. I started to make changes slowly over the years and I had many ups along the way, as well as downs as I'm sure you can imagine.

How I decided to study NLP

Nearly 2 years ago I stumbled across NLP and decided I needed to learn it, just like that! I found a lady that I felt drawn to and I was booked on Dr. Bridgets NLP Practitioner Course the next day.

I was in such a good place when I booked it, my confidence was increasing and I wasn't "doing" anxiety as bad as I once had.

I listened to all the audio material for the course and had so many "a-ha" moments as I worked through them and I was noticing changes in myself just from listening to the audio files. I became more aware of how my thinking was affecting my reality and I became aware of my thought process, strategies and the repeating patterns that I had been creating over the years.

Self Sabotage

However, as the date of the course drew closer I had a flare-up and I convinced myself it was best to postpone the course. I had unconsciously created the flare so I could give myself permission not to go, I didn't know that at the time and I had that revelation while I was on the course.

During the flare, I start "doing" anxiety extremely well again. I had paid for the course, I'd listened to the course materials but months and months went past before I even considered doing the course again. That thought came during a morning meditation in June and by the end of the week, I was booked on the course for July.

NLP Practitioner Course

The course ended up having to be held online due to lockdown, which for me turned out to be much easier as I didn't have to travel and pay for accommodation. The course is held over 8 days, split into 2 parts, so 4 days then another 4days about 2weeks later, so definitely saved a fair bit there.

I honestly had no idea what to expect but I was excited and I approached it with an open mind, ready to absorb everything!

Me being me, during the introductions of why we were there and what I wanted to get from the course, I started crying. It was partly to do with the nerves that had built up to do the course but I am generally a very emotional person, especially since having my son back in 2012.

The moment my life changed

Before Day 1 had even ended I had taken 'M.E suffer', 'spoonie' off all my social media as I recognised I was labeling and reinforcing it at an unconscious level. That in itself felt so powerful to recognise and remove.

Day 2! It was a game-changer! We did a few techniques but the belief change was my life-changing moment.

I remember having a very emotional morning before we even started the day. I had to lie down as I felt so sick. I couldn't stop crying and I was thinking about the belief I wanted to change that day. I thought I knew what I wanted to change but then while doing some breathing techniques I had this overwhelming feeling that it wasn't the right thing.

Then, a light bulb moment, I knew exactly what I had to do. I needed to change the belief I had of "if I overdo things in some way or another I will get poorly."

It took just 20-30minutes to change the picture that was associated with this belief to one that I no longer believed, then into something that was absolutely true to me, finishing with my new image associated with my new belief which is "I'm invincible."

The technique was so simple. Changing things like colour, size, feelings associated with different pictures. By the end, I was balling my eyes out but in such a releasing way, it felt so powerful. I felt the change happening so deeply, like a dark cloud lifting from every cell.


The tears were both for sadness and joy. Sadness because I had lost so much of my life and joy for the new exciting future that awaits me.

I saw my mum just after finishing this technique and as I tried to explain it to her I was giving my old belief in the past tense to her and I cried even more. It was such a mix of emotions and almost confusion as to what had just happened.

I was skeptical to start with..."it can't be that easy?!"

But as the days went by I was doing the dishes, cleaning my house, working and even playing with the kids. All on the same day! This was unheard of for me.

It was so empowering and a truly mind blowing experience.

What happened next

I finished the course, letting go of even more negative emotions holding me back, changed some strategies and so much more.

I instantly booked onto the next course for NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy & TimeLine Therapy.

This course was just as brilliant as the first and has really helped me understand how I can use all these tools and techniques to help others. It also really helped me to feel more confident in myself, and I've noticed I've mostly stopped "doing" anxiety, which has been a powerful transformation and another life-changing experience.

I have my life back, my future is bright and I plan on helping as many people as possible to feel this way too.

As always, thank you for being here.

Until next time,


DIY Bath Salts & Oils


Finding my legs again