Finding my legs again

I find myself in a place of such gratitude. I have battled for many years, grasping any resemblance of 'normal' life and now I find myself actually living it.

I have worked so hard on myself for about 6 years, consciously changing my eating habits, my mindset, turning to alternative therapies and following my own spiritual path. Those 6 years had many ups and downs along the way but they also brought about such deep healings to my emotional and mental states.

It's not easy to face yourself and acknowledge that your actions and thoughts paired with emotional situations, trauma had created the reality you got lost in. 

When I studied NLP I knew this was the missing link I had been waiting for. My life changed INSTANTLY with one simple belief change technique. My whole world changed and as I continued to study the more the anxiety reduced and my confidence grew. It was truly mind-blowing and magical.

Which leads me to now, to sharing this new ability to go for walks. Something I had craved and dreamed about for so many years.

The last time I tried to introduce walking back into my life, I crashed and burned, HARD!

That was over 2 years ago!!

Aberaeron Coastal Path

My mum and I decided to finally go and do a bit of the coastal path as I had done a few walks closer to home and had no side effects what so ever. 

You can imagine how excited that made me. There were many happy dances and I even feel emotional now as I type (may have something to do with my hormones).

I just feel so grateful for where I am in life right now!

We started from the South Beach car park in Aberaeron. The path is to the left, across the top of the pebble beach.

I have always loved this beach. As a family, we come here often and eat fish and chips and play in the water but it also holds a special place in my heart as this is where my husband proposed to me.

Now, it has become a truly magical place as I take my first steps onto the beaten track, testing my physical abilities and solidifying my new found freedom.

The views were truly magnificent and you can't help but stop and take in every bit of beauty. Ican't tell you how amazing it was to experience the crisp fresh air hitting my lungs. It was so freeing!

My mum has a very cool app on her phone which shows the path, always great so you don't get lost but what I loved is that it said there was a waterfall along the way. I am such a lover of waterfalls.

We walked about 1.3miles and came across this little place...

My heart burst with excitement. This is what I had been wanting, to find those magical places you can't just drive to. It felt so rewarding and this little scared space brought me so much peace and warmth, not to mention the childlike excitement!

We proceeded to take pictures because that's what you do, right?! And as my mum walked up for her picture, she shouts "I found the waterfall!"

It was on the cliff edge pouring into the sea.

At that moment I had a feeling of wholeness, completeness wash over me.

I knew this was just the start of what I can accomplish and I know so much more awesomeness is still to come!

Thank you for being here with me,

Until next time,


My NLP Journey


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