Top 10 Essential Oils

You may have noticed that there are LOADS of essential oils out there and it can be overwhelming when starting out.

Have you felt like this? Well, let me help you get started with my top 10 essential oils.

Always make sure you are using your oils correctly. If you're not sure of the correct and best ways to use your oils check out my other blogs Inhalation of Essential Oils and Using essential oils on your skin.


Lavender is the most versatile essential oil out there. An absolute must-have in your collection. It is calming, soothing and above all balancing, as it restores unbalanced states such as mind and body. Extremely, useful for the relief of muscular pain. It also blends well with many other essential oils, such as Geranium, Rosemary, Marjoram, Bergamot and many more.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang essential oil has the ability to slow down over-rapid breathing and heartbeat. If you suffer from anxiety, shock even anger then you may want to have Ylang Ylang to hand. As you can imagine it is good for anyone suffering from high blood pressure. Blends well with Lemon and Bergamot. Don't use it for too long a periods.


Another great essential oil for the breath. It has the ability to slow down and deepen the breath which as we all know brings about a calm and relaxing feeling, which is why Frankincense is often used in meditation and prayer. It is also known for its benefits for the lungs, respiratory infections and can calm coughs which is very useful for people suffering from asthma. Frankincense is also good for older skin types, slowing down the appearance of wrinkles.


Another lovely versatile essential oil, good for urinary tract infections, depression and anxiety as well as skincare. For urinary issues, it is great to pair with Camomile, Sandalwood and Tea Tree. Try and use as early as possible to help prevent the infection from spreading. Bergamot is one of the best oils to use for mental and psychological states and pairs well with Lavender and Geranium. For skin, it is useful for treating acne, oily skin and infected skin conditions.
Note: It is a photosensitiser.


Peppermint essential oil is best known for helping digestive issues and has a beneficial action on the stomach, liver and intestines. Great to use for colic, diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting and stomach pain as it helps relieve the smooth muscle tension in the stomach and gut. Also useful for when you have a cold or flu, paired with Lavender and Marjoram. Peppermint essential oil can really help relieve headaches and sometimes migraines. It also helps to bring about mental clarity.
Note: Should not be taken if you take any homeopathic remedies. Should not take in the evening as it is a stimulant.


Another great all-rounder after Lavender. It has strong antiseptic properties, it is stimulating and warming. Rosemary has a stimulant effect on the central nervous system and for that reason can be beneficial for those with loss or reduction of functions and may be helpful to those suffering from degenerative conditions. It is also an excellent brain stimulant, great for bringing about mental clarity. It is also very beneficial for respiratory problems. A great tonic for the heart, liver and gall bladder and can even help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. If you suffer from stiff, tired and overworked muscles then Rosemary would be a great go-to. Note: DO NOT use if pregnant, if you have epilepsy or high blood pressure.


Patchouli has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and cell regenerating qualities. It is great for skin and useful in treating acne, cracked skin and some types of eczema.


Geranium is a great essential oil for balancing hormones, for menstrual and menopausal issues. Geranium can also stop bleeding and promotes speedy healing. Another great skincare essential oil, good for very dry skin or oily, great for those who suffer from both. A great anti-depressant and was known as a powerful healing oil in ancient civilisations. Blends well with Lavender and Bergamot, as well as Myrrh and Thyme.


Lemon essential oil has the ability to stimulate the white corpuscles (any of the red or white cells in the blood) that defend the body against infection and helps to stop bleeding. Amazing for many cuts as it is also a powerful bactericide. It is also great for nosebleeds by inhaling the essential oil. Lemon on the skin should be used in very small amounts, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Note: it is a photosensitiser.

Tea tree

Tea Tree essential oil has immunostimulant action and is especially useful in debilitating illnesses such as glandular fever, for people who are slow to recover or suffer from repeating infections. Very useful for M.E sufferers and HIV patients. Also great for colds and flu. It is also beneficial for those who suffer from acne. Blends well with Lavender and Bergamot.

As always thank you for being here with me.

Until next time,


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