Spirituality - Sunshine and Rainbows

How many times have you looked at spiritual people and thought, "it must be so nice to not be bothered by things, to not hold grudges and not be faced by the negative actions of others?" Do you find yourself thinking they always seem so happy and floaty?

I'll let you into a little secret...

It's bullshit!!!!

We are all human! We all suffer and struggle with things.

I think it's important to share the truth. Your spiritual path isn't about anything other than becoming the best version of you and serving from a place of love and light.

Working to become something more than you are now. It is an ever-changing journey and no one knows it all. We are all still learning and developing.

Being spiritual is not all rainbows and sunshine. It can be painful as you release parts of yourself that have been a part of you for many years, to uncover the shadow parts of yourself that need healing. To recognise that you were in fact wrong in past situations, that you could have handled things better.

It's not comfortable to truly look at yourself in the mirror and see what is being reflected back to you. It's a journey of vulnerability.

So many people think that being spiritual is about wearing floaty dresses, eating kale, never swearing and always having a smile on your face, with no cares in the world. Life just doesn't work like that.

Don't get me wrong if you want to do those things then that's great but if you also want to swear, wear trackies and eat chocolate and occasionally have a temper tantrum then that's perfectly fine too.

Find your truth, not what you think you should do, should wear, or should be because that is what you see others do.

We are both human beings and spiritual beings. Work on bringing the balance of these 2 together and don't beat yourself up when you have a blip.

Also, don't be afraid to change. When I started my journey I was afraid to tell anyone, I compared myself to all the spiritual people I was following. I felt a lot of things were too 'woo woo' for me.

Over the last few years, my beliefs and experiences have led me to change my beliefs in such a way I would have thought you were crazy if you'd told me I'd be doing what I am doing 3 years ago.


I have been struggling for the past few weeks. It started with my internet going out, which ended up lasting 2 weeks.

My stress levels started to intensify as I had readings, healing and teaching sessions to get done. Then I had my NLP Coaching, hypnosis and time line therapy course, which was a very intense 4 days.

I managed to power through but once my internet was finally fixed I crashed. My body felt like it was in overwhelm.

When I start to feel this way I have to retreat. I barely use social media, I don't do much work and I just get lost in films or a new series.

Sometimes I don't do any of my practices like meditation, journaling and my own self-healing. I literally turn off from everything, except my family.

That is my way to disconnect and recharge. For me, it's like a switch being turned back on when it's time to return to reality. In the past I didn't have this switch and I would get caught up in the lower energies and stay there longer than I needed.

My spiritual practices have helped me develop my intuition and my connection with spirit so coming back to normality is much easier for me now.

Always do what feels right for you.

I've learned that it's not selfish to put yourself first, to look after yourself and heal in a way that feels right for you.

I hope this blog helps you feel less alone on your journal and reasures you that you are doing an amazing job.

Until next time


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