Full Moon Ritual

The Moon is beautiful and very powerful. During a Full Moon or a New Moon, the difference between the high and low tide is at its greatest. This is because when the Earth, the Sun and the Moon are in a line, the gravitational pull is at its strongest.

If you think about it, the moon affects the tides and we are 60-70% water.

This is why the Full Moon and New Moon can have such a powerful impact on us.

The Full Moon is a time to release all that no longer serves you.

Your mind, body & spirit knows what it needs to do to move on, listen to it and allow yourself to experience all the emotions that surface, whether it's through tears, laughter, fear, pain, happiness etc.

Remember, tears cleanse the soul!

There are a few ways in which you can perform a Full Moon Ritual. Here are my Top 3. You can do all 3, 2 or just 1. Do whatever feels right to you on the night.


Take some time to sit with yourself, to centre yourself and write out anything you want to let go of. You can do this as bullet points, paragraphs just allow it to flow and trust it will come out as it is needed. Words, thoughts and emotions all carry a unique vibration. By writing these out and setting the intention of releasing them to the universe you are setting yourself free.

Go outside under the Full Moon (if you're not out already) and light that paper up! As it burns, know that you are releasing all these things back to the universe to be transmuted into new energy. Sit in that moment and feel all those things being taken away from you.

Then, Thank the universe for its help tonight. 


Water is a very powerful cleanser, so a bath is a beautiful and loving way to release anything that you no longer want to hold on to. Create a sacred space for yourself, light some candles, gather some crystals; rose quartz or moonstone are beautiful for the Full Moon but if you feel drawn to others use them. Make sure you check that the crystals are safe to use around water as some crystals can be destroyed by water.

Set the intention that this Full Moon Bath is to release all that no longer serves you. 

Add cleansing and detoxifying elements into the bath:
Epsom Salts
Essential Oils
Dried Flowers
Bath Milk

You may wish to have a journal nearby in case you need to write some things out as they appear.


Meditation is beneficial in so many ways and can really help bring you back into alignment. There are many Youtube meditations for the Full Moon but I would also recommend a cord-cutting meditation to really let go of attachments.

I have a free cord-cutting meditation available for you here 

Let me know which is your favourite or if you have your own ritual you like to do.

Much Love


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