Reiki Healing - What is it?

A friend of mine who also suffers from M.E was talking about how she gets Reiki done on a regular basis and if she misses an appointment she feels a massive difference. I had never heard of Reiki before and when I asked what it was her explanation just baffled me. Someone putting their hands on you and that’s it. I just wrote it off and never really looked into it. Then I heard of more people suffering from M.E who also have Reiki and they found it helps them too. I looked into it a little bit but I still couldn’t understand how it all works. I’m a sceptical kinda gal and need to understand things fully. I love to know how things work and tend to research until I’ve broken it all down into my kind of language, then I can put all the pieces back together again.

Once I started delving into my more spiritual side I noticed a lot of people I was coming into contact with also offered reiki or they mentioned how it helped them. I decided to look into it more and even though I still didn’t understand it I was intrigued to find out more. Then I found you could learn how to do it by doing a 2-day course for Reiki level 1 which included learning what it is, becoming attuned & practising on others. This leads to you being able to practice Reiki on others or yourself with self-healing.

For me, it made more sense to pay for the training so I could learn the details but also be able to do my own healing and be able to do it on others. I did some research on who to learn from and also which type to learn…because there are a lot of different types out there! I stuck with the original. After a few days of research I found a lady in Borth and booked it, then my dad and his partner wanted to do it too so we all ended up booking the course and learning it all together.

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki is Japanese as that is where Reiki originates from and translated it means ‘universal life-force energy’ but a more accurate version is ‘spiritual energy’.Reiki is a non-intrusive hands-on healing technique which can be used on yourself or others. It is spiritual energy used to treat physical ailments without using pressure, manipulation or massage; however, it is much more than a physical therapy. It is a holistic practice for balancing, harmonizing all aspects of the person – mind, body emotions and spirit.

Level 1 is all about the basics, the history and how to heal yourself and others. I was fascinated by it all and when we did healing on each other to practice I could feel tingling and heat where they were holding their hands which blew my mind because their hands were approx. 15-20cm above my body. The feeling was just so relaxing and calming.

I have now been back to complete my Reiki level 2 and have learnt even more. I am now offering Reiki to others, including distance Reiki (yes you really can do it around the world from your home). I plan on going back to complete level 3 as well.

If you have any questions or would like an appointment please do feel free to message me on my Facebook Page or Instagram or pop a comment below and I will do my best to answer any questions you have.

Katie Rose x

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10 YEARS - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


Be YOU Boo!