10 YEARS - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The hubby and I are celebrating 10 years together today! I could sit here and say it has been a wonderful, happy and harmonies 10 years but that would be a lie! Yes, today it feels like that but the truth is no relationship lasts 10 years without arguments, tears, anger, frustration and ‘I really want to punch you in the face right now!’ as well as the joyous, happy times, laughter, happy tears and excitement.

We have truly been through the good the bad and the ugly! One of our hardest years has to of been the last year. I questioned whether we’d even make it to this day. Fortunately, for us, we are still standing and no one has any black eyes. I’ve learnt to just say everything and anything to Lee Roy, which annoys the crap out of him but at least it’s off my chest. Lee, on the other hand, has an inability to express himself and somehow, he manages to defuse his anger and very rarely blows his top. However, he does seem to think I’m a mind reader which grinds on me as he swears he’s told me something but I’m telling you his mouth never opens!

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You may be wondering why I’m writing this but I think it’s important for people to know that what you see on social media is not the reality of that person’s life. Those perfect relationships, the flawless pictures, fun days out aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Of course, we want to show the better parts of ourselves and the fun that we have in our lives and don’t want to be that ‘neg head’ who is bitching and moaning all the time but before you start admiring someone else’s life take a minute to remember the reality is never the same.

I share my good and bad days with my illness but I’ve never really shared my relationship so I decided to practice what I preach and share this anniversary with you.

I hope this post helps someone who may be struggling, who may be scrolling through social media thinking everyone else has a better life than them, causing yourself to feel down when in reality the person posting may very well be struggling themselves and by posting these happy posts etc… is their way of making themselves feel better, I'm guilty of doing this myself. Focus on yourself, look for people who inspire you but always remember you do not see the full picture through social media.

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So, to finish off, Lee Roy Jones, you make me smile, laugh and annoy me on a daily basis, we bicker like a little old couple every day, which makes us laugh because when we are around people they think we’re having an actual argument but that is not the case. I wouldn’t change the last 10 years at all as it’s bought us to this moment in time. You really are my rock on my bad days, we just need to work on you taking me out on my good days and we will be golden. Here’s to another 10 years…hopefully :P

Katie Rose xx

P.S I asked him for permission to post this, so I wouldn’t get told off!

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