Inspiration to some, therapy to me

Wasn’t too sure what to write about today until someone told me I was an inspiration. I’ve been told this a few times before and it surprises me every time that anyone would find me inspirational. Don’t get me wrong being called an inspiration is such a lovely thing to hear & heartwarming knowing someone thinks this about you, it truly is.

But to me the only difference between me and someone else suffering is that I decided to share it on social media, encouraged by my counsellor a few years ago as he had never seen someone suffering from M.E with such a positive attitude, which obviously made me smile, mostly because I felt like I had won something which I hadn’t felt for years!

I started sharing with others thanks to his words of encouragement as I realised I could raise some awareness that M.E is not just a case of being tired, which so many think and have quite happily told me with a very judgmental tone. I could go into so much more detail on this subject but I will leave that for another day.

Sharing with others has been a great form of therapy for me. At first, most people were shocked by what I go through as I didn’t like sharing negative things on social media but now they know it’s pretty normal for me to be crawling along the floor or too weak to move.

What I want you to remember is that there are people who are much worse than I am, who don’t have a voice, who are too weak to talk, who can’t have a light on in their room, who have to live with headphones on as their sensory overload is just too much and heartbreakingly, some who have lost their battle to this illness.

I’ve always been the type of person to say what I’ve been through if someone truly asked. I say truly because we all know some people ask how you are but don’t really want to know that you couldn’t dress yourself the other day or you haven’t washed your hair for 10 days. However, I did struggle with saying what I was going through while I was going through it as 9 times out of 10 I would break down. It is much easier after the fact, after getting through it, to be able to say what you’ve gone through with a bit of proud.

I’ve learnt over the years that as scary as it seemed at first to share it’s actually quite empowering as long as I have a positive outlook, knowing I will get through this flare as I have all the times before. Although it doesn’t mean I go through it without shouting, a lot of swearing, tears and anger because I do, I just have an ability to mix in some jokes and laughter along with it.

I share for the people who are suffering and are unable or too scared to share. I share for people to feel less alone in what they are going through. I share so others know it’s normal to feel the way they feel. I share because putting it out in the world means it’s not locked up inside me. To me that’s not inspirational it’s just…I don’t know, what helps me.

There is no worse feeling than feeling alone like you’re the only one who feels this bad or to lose hope. Losing hope is such a deadening (is that even a word?) feeling that I hope my children never have to feel such a dark, blackening feeling and hopefully I can help others to not feel it by sharing my own journey.

If you have felt less alone from the things I have share please to share this with me. You can comment below or post on my Facebook page or on my latest picture on Instagram.


Katie Rose xx


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Be YOU Boo!


Somedays you just break!