Inhalation of Essential Oils

The inhalation of essential oils is a wonderful option and can be safer and more effective than massage depending on your issue. It is also such a simple way to get those beautiful aromatic beauties into your bloodstream. Inhalation is wonderful for mental and emotional balancing aswell as energizing or reducing anxiety, and it can also be used to directly address respiratory issues.

How essential oils enter the bloodstream through inhalation

When you inhale essential oils, molecules of the essential oil makes it way into your lungs through the respiratory system, where the molecules are then absorbed into the bloodstream.

There are various ways in which you can inhale essential oils so I thought I'd share each way so you can find what suits your needs best. 


This is one of the most common ways to inhale essential oils. A diffuser is a unit that you normally plugin (there may be plugless options too), you add water into the base and essential oils of your choice. Once you turn it on, it heats up the water releasing the steam through the funnel/tube at the top of the unit, releasing the essential oils into the air.

Common mistake - Most people leave their diffuser on for hours on end but it is actually less afftective that way. The best way to get the most benefit out of your oils is to use for 30-60minutes then turn off for an hour or so and then turn back on for another 30-60minutes. 

Inhalation Stick

Inhalation sticks are a brilliant way to get essential oils straight into your respiratory system. You can buy these or very easily make your own. These are very effective in clearing the mind and relieving headaches.

Steam Inhalation

This is the common practice of having a large bowl with boiling water and essential oils added in, you only need approx. 3-4 drops. You then place your head above the bowl with a towel enveloping both your head and the bowl. Do this for just 2-5minutes at a time, breathing in through your nose.
Be aware that prolonged exposure (more than 30 minutes) to concentrated essential oils can lead to headaches, vertigo, nausea and lethargy.

Reed Diffuser

You can buy these in shops or make your own. It is a bottle/vase with wooden reeds that soak up the oils releasing the aroma into the air. Great for creating a fresh and uplifting atmosphere in your rooms. 

Cotton ball or pad

A very simple one and great for by your bed. Just add 2-3 drops on a bit of cotton wool and leave by your bed.

Thank you for reading and if there is anything you would like me to discuss please let me know below.
Katie Rose x


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