Sound Healing Course Level 1

Last week I attended a sound healing course designed by the Sound Healing Academy. I’ve been wanting to do a sound healing course for the last year and have looked at so many different courses that are out there. Some are all online and some work as a 'sandwich' course which is part online theory work and part that is in person hands on learning of the instruments with some more theory and practices after that. I am someone who would prefer to do all I can online due to the anxiety I have but I surprised myself when I decided to go ahead with the sandwich option, once I paid the deposit it was too late to back out.

That decision turned out to be the decision I’ve ever made. The teacher Maggie was absolutely brilliant. She was honest in her experiences and just so down to earth. Then there was the other students, after 4 days with these 11  people I felt like I’d known them for months. The feeling I had being around such open, loving and compassionate people was like nothing I’ve experienced before, especially in a group situation. It was such a wonderful feeling of belonging which brought about a wonderful loving feeling within myself, for myself.

I feel so thankful to myself for booking this course, at this time as I got to experience it with these people. There is no way I would of experienced this overwhelming feeling of love and compassion if I had done it all online. The first day and partially the second day I was quite quiet as I adjusted to being around so many people. I found the questions the other students asked where ones I wouldn’t of thought of myself but every questioned clarified things that hadn’t quite clicked before. Also, the knowledge that was shared from their own experiences was just truly gratifying.

If you’re interested in the course, here is a rough breakdown of what we did (I have no affilation with the academy, just sharing my journey and thoughts).


We did the traditional introduce yourself, where you’re from and what brought you here. We had an open circle to ask any questions.

We then did some chanting which I’ve only ever done in my room when no one is home so I found I was thrown out my comfort zone straight away. I'm one of those people that you can barely hear because I was so scared of people hearing my voice as I can’t sing for shit.

We were then taught about Tibetan singing bowls, how to use them and then how to use in a session. We then paired up and did about a 20minute healing on each other.

DAY 2 & 3

These days were the same set up as day 1 but on day 2 we learnt about crystal singing bowls in the morning and tuning forks in the afternoon, again pairing up and practicing a session with each instrument. Day 3 we learnt about gongs in the morning and drums in the afternoon with practices of each.


We learnt about using our voices and how powerful they are. Then we went on to pairing up and giving a session using multiple instruments for approx. 40minute session.

There was a lot of laughter and tears as we released traumas that have been stuck within our bodies for years.

A wonderful example being a lovely lady called Sarah who is completely deaf in one ear was being used as a demo on how to use the tuning forks. She started to get emotional and our wonderful teacher Maggie helped Sarah through the rising emotions allowing her to fully release what had risen. After, Sarah said she knew what issue came up and she had hypnotherapy for it previously and thought she’d dealt with it. I found it incredible, how we think or believe we know things but subconsciously we have no idea what’s being held within. The next day Sarah said she could hear the slightest of sound in her ear. This is the power of sound!

This for me has been the most power form of healing I’ve seen and experienced. It resonates within me more than I ever expected and will now be integrating it into my healing practices of Reiki and Aromatherapy.

The only down side is you tend to want all the instruments because each one affects you in different ways. My list to Santa will be ever growing this year.

I will be returning to do the level 2 course next year, hopefully.

Thank you for reading and I hope it helps you on your own journey in some way.

Katie Rose x


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