Write a letter to yourself

You may be thinking 'huh? a letter to myself!'

I feel ya, I was thinking exactly the same when a friend suggested it to me. She told me to write a letter from my body to my soul and then write another letter from my soul to my body *confused face*.

My thoughts were 'what do you say?' 'how the hell do you start?' 'I don't think I have anything nice to say to my body'

Turns out I was very wrong! First, I had a quick google because you know, it has all the answers. I was right in what I was thinking that you are writing a letter to thank and be grateful for yourself. I had heard of it before specifically if you are someone who talks negatively to yourself and always putting yourself down. I never really thought I was one of those people until I thought of my illness and how I talk shit about my body all the time then.

So as someone who is always up for trying something new and so into releasing things into the universe and just letting go of things that no longer serve us, I got my notepad and pen.

I sat staring at the blank page for a while feeling a little silly and thinking where the hell do you start. Once I actually put pen to paper it just seemed to automatically write itself and this is what I ended up with by the end.

From my soul to my body...

Dear Body,

I know we have a love-hate relationship and sometimes it can seem like I'm angry and hateful towards you, in fact, I even tell you I hate you somedays. 

Today I am here to rectify this. I am grateful for the days that are good, for the days that aren't full of tremors and pain. I forgive you for the harder days. I now realise it is all out of our control and we have to roll with the punches. I recognise now that you too are fighting every day to bring me as much solace as you can and over the last few years you have done just that with the pain being less, the tremors less aggressive and my mind more with it.

So, today I am here to thank you! Thank you for all you have done for me and I hope we can keep fighting together! This fight is not over but knowing I have you in my corner makes it easier.

Forever grateful,

Your Soul xx

From my body from my soul...

Dear Soul,

I know we have a to and fro relationship but as I recognise my growth and ease that has come over the last few years I'm recognising that I would not be here without you.

Your determination and tenacity have got me through many days where I've questioned if I could actually make it through one more day. I want to thank you for your humor, your compassion and how much you fight and cheer me on from the sidelines. Your positivity and grace have got me here to this point today and I know that from here on out we are going to work together in unity to make this fight not only easier but more enjoyable...well as enjoyable as this can get.

I look forward to this fight as one and thank you for helping to put the pieces back together again. Bring on the future dear friend.

Strong til the end,

Love, Your Body xx

Not bloody bad is it!

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I struggled to know how long a letter to do as I felt I could go on and on but it felt like the main things came out. I then rolled up the letters together, like a scroll and tied a ribbon around it, a pink one because to me that represented self-love and care. Then under the full moon...yes it happened to fall on a full moon, which is, even more, up my street, I proceeded to burn it. By burning it, I let go of that pain and anger I was holding onto, I was joining my body and soul as one...I'm a big believer in the mind, body, and soul being intertwined and one that one can affect the other. 

If you're struggling with the relationship you have with yourself and your body I definitely recommend trying this. Since doing this I know thank my body for fighting when I'm having a bad day and congratulate it for still being here fighting away at a cellular level and even though I can't see it, I know it fights and wins, might I add, from waking up the next day feeling better than the day before.

Let me know if you try the letters or if you've done them before.

Thank YOU Guys For Reading <3

Love as always

Katie Rose X

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I Canโ€™t Do This Without You <3

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