New Year's Eve - Chronic Style

New Year's Eve...

I had planned to go away for New Year's Eve with a friend as we never do anything and felt like it would be nice for the kids to actually do something not that they're getting older. However, I left it too late and the pod I wanted to stay in was booked up *rolls eyes*. I will stay there one day. I decided the money I was going to spend (£87), I would use to create our own magically evening...

With a bit of inspiration from Pinterest, I was online searching for things that would make a fun evening for the kiddies - yes kiddies because hubby is a bore and just not festive at all!

I managed to find everything I wanted and got mum to save all the wine bottles from Christmas as I'm not much of a drinker...not that my mum is - she was hosting.

On the day

I was exhausted after all the festive-ness so rested up for most of the day. I can not put into words the effort needed to get up, make food and set up our little magical area. I had to have beaks after each thing and the little man helped me to create it all and we finally did it!

We had an absolute blast, we started about 6pm and stuffed our faces with food once Lee Roy finally got the fire pit going, I even drank 2 glasses of wine. We lit sparklers and didn't stop until they were all gone. Then we roasted some marshmallows on the fire, but I opted for some brie as I'm not a big fan of marshmallows. The kids decided they didn't like them so threw the ones they'd done but later started putting them on the fire again just because it was fun to do. 

I tried to stretch things out but the kids just wanted more so I couldn't say no, plus I figured we'd finish earlier because that is the chronic sufferer in me. 

So out came the lanterns, which was touch and go whether they would work or not. The slight breeze settled enough for us to all make a wish and set them off. Again, the kids wanted more! So out came the party poppers, which I don't think you ever get too old for, just like he sparkers. The hubby, however, wasn't impressed by the mess so he got them to aim at the fire.

We finished off with some musical statues before the kids wanted to go in. We got to 9pm and pretended it was our New Year and headed in to watch a film because you just can't beat a snuggle on the sofa with a blankie and film. 10.30pm and we were all snuggled up in bed ready for Ice skating the next day. Now that is what I call a perfect evening, especially for a spoonie (chronic illness sufferer)

Here is everything I used, the cost and where I got it from

Fire Pit £29.95 from Amazon

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Lanterns £11.99 from Amazon

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Fairy Lights £11.99 from Amazon

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Party Poppers - £5.85 from Amazon

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Bottles and Candles Free - had wine bottles and candles from mum but you can get the candles from a pound shop quite easily

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Sparklers - I had leftovers from firework night but you can get them from pound shops too 

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Marshmallows and sticks - I got the marshmallows from my local shop and my mum had sticks - remember to soak them through the day

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So all in all...

I spent a total of £59.78 out of my £87 budget, even if  I had to buy the bits I already had I would have probably come in under budget.

I hope this inspires others to create their own magic. My kids thought it was absolutely brilliant and have thanked me many times for such a great night - insert proud mum smile!

Thank YOU Guys For Reading <3

Love as always

Katie Rose X

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