Shepherds hut getaway

Mother daughter trip to Macclesfield for Mitochondrial testing, with a pit stop to a beautiful shephaerds hut for a night.

My 3-monthly road trip to Macclesfield to see the Doctor for my mitochondrial testing is an 8 hour round trip so we decided to stay away for a night like we did the last time. We even stayed in the same place but instead of being in the house we stayed in the cutest little shepherds hut with an incredible view.

The test results
My body is improving! Granted it is slowly but it is moving in the right direction and that excites me. I was very excited to learn my heart rate was FINALLY within the ‘normal’ range, all be it by 1 point but it’s there! The results also showed my oxygen intake was finally being directed to helping my body regenerate, where as before it was mostly going to the survival of the body, hence the high heart rate. So all in all looking pretty snazzy. However, I have been told yet again to not over do things! I just find it so hard some days but I need to tune in even more with what my body is telling me.

Back to our night away in the Shepherds hut with a view
The last time we were here it was February, the weather was miserable and when we arrived it was dark. This time it was overcast but hot and it was light until about 10pm.

Top tip: Save The Shepherds Hut with a View to your Airbnb wish list and book here to get £25 travel credit for your first trip!

The hut had everything you needed for a cosy night or weekend away witha double bed, plugs, fridge, microwave, hob, hot shower and toilet. They even have the option to use the BBQ.

Our Evening

First was a cuppa, which was enjoyed on the decking taking in the view and just being grateful for being in such a wonderful place.

For food we decided to stay in and cook as we were so tired from all the travelling. We picked up some pasta packets in the local shop at the end of the lane. We found a countertop hob under the sink so mum proceeded to cook dinner. I know I’m spoilt. There is also a pub at the of the lane where we ate last time and the food was great if you don't facy cooking.

Mum then decided to  go for a stroll down the road after being stuck in the car all day. Mum found there was quite a few walks around the area too but we just didn't have enough time to fit it all in. I stayed at the hut as my body wasn’t up for walking, I did some meditation out on the decking. It was just so peaceful and very much needed after such a full on day.

Another cuppa was then needed, this time we put the seats from outside in the huts only open space and opened the double doors right up and just sat watching the sun getting lower and lower. As we continued to watch the sunset I did some Reiki healing on mum and I even got a shoulder massage in return because I'm such an awesome daughter.

We ended the evening with a spiritual card reading with my oracle cards Whispers of the Soul and I taught mum how to use her own deck. Finishing the night off with some mindset talk, like how we talk to ourselves and how we hold on to things that we no longer need.

The bed is a double bed and was very comfortable, we both slept really well after some giggles.


Mum work up at stupid o’clock as per usual. She got up and pottered like she does while I slept, standard. Mumma Jen made me a cuppa in bed when I finally emerged and we just sat yet again just taking in the view, being in the moment and be grateful for such a beautiful way to start the day.

Whilst mother jumped in the shower, (yes there is a toilet and shower in this tiny little hut which is another reason we chose this place)I did some yoga on the decking. Such a calming feeling practicing yoga with such a view. It honestly filled my soul with such bliss, joy and gratitude.

We packed up and headed home but could of easily stayed another night, just didn’t feel quite long enough to take it all in.

Lake Vyrnwy 

We stopped at Lake Vynwy on the way back as it was just down the road but we were both disappointed as it’s a main road that links around the lake not a path you can walk on. The view was blocked most of the time with all the trees. There were places for you to stop though and there was a beautiful picnic area were you could really take in the beauty of it. Plus the picnic table were bloody amazing.

We had hoped there would be a café on the way around where you could go have a cuppa and enjoy the view but no such luck. There is however café’s down one end of the lake and you can hire bikes here too. We even saw 2 ladies on a tandem which looked like a good laugh.


You can use this link to get £25 travel credit for your first Airbnb trip!

Thank YOU Guys For Reading <3

Love as always

Katie Rose X

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Road trip to mitochondrial therapy