For those who find themselves doubting a symptom-free reality is possible,

this is your permission slip to have hope.

Do you suffer from…

Debilitating fatigue - worsened by activity

Post-exertional malaise (PEM) - symptom exacerbation, payback

Sleep disturbances - unrefreshing sleep, insomnia

Cognitive dysfunction - brain fog, memory problems, poor concentration, difficulty retrieving or forming words

Pain - pain on touch, headaches, eye pain, abdominal pain, joint pain

Stress-related symptoms – anxiety, panic, difficulty tolerating stress

Sensory Overload – heightened sensory sensitivities, including light, sound, touch, taste, and smell

Immune symptoms - tender lymph nodes, recurrent sore throats, fevers, or flu-like symptoms, and new food or chemical sensitivities

Orthostatic intolerance – dizziness, palpitations, fainting, nausea on standing or sitting upright from a reclining position

Gastrointestinal issues – bloating, indigestion, gas, diarrhoea or constipation

Neuromuscular symptoms - twitching and myoclonic jerks

Then you’re in the right place.

I know you’ve tried it all.

You’ve seen all of the specialists, followed every bit of advice perfectly, done the diets, taken the supplements and it’s probably felt like throwing money down the drain because you still aren’t better. 

You might not want to hear this, but no matter how awful things may feel right now, I need you to know that it can change… and the secret to that isn’t in another pill, diet or professional, it lies within you

Hi, my name is Katie Rose… and I have been where you are!

Four years ago I thought I thought I would never be symptom-free.

I suffered for 14 years with a chronic illness (M.E/CFS) and my entire life was lived around what I could and couldn’t do. Living in and out of a wheelchair, housebound, being in constant fear of getting worse, dipping in and out of depression all while trying to raise 2 kids and keep my marriage together.

Honestly? I’d given up on my life looking any different. No matter what I tried, it didn’t seem to work and I began to lose hope.

Now I know why nothing was working, though. It wasn’t

a) getting to the root cause 

b) seeing the mind, body and spirit as one

It wasn’t until I put those pieces of the puzzle together that something shifted for me and I finally had hope.

I found an approach that went right back to where it all began, released the patterns that had been formed at that moment and replaced them with new ones that eventually led me down the path of healing… for good.

The illness I thought was for life is now gone and I have my entire life back, symptom-free.

Everything changed when I found hope and that’s exactly what I want you to have.

I would have gained so much more (and maybe healed sooner) if someone had given me permission to hope - so that’s what I’m doing right now: I’m giving you the permission slip to hope for better

More and more research is recognising that chronic illness symptoms are deeply connected to the mind and body’s ability to cope with stress.

This means you have the ability to change and process the stress you’ve been carrying for years, if not decades.


By finding the root causes, processing the emotions those experiences created and rewiring the patterns that are preventing them from leaving you (and causing them to manifest in the form of chronic illness!). 

Every person is different and that’s where my intuition/spiritual connection meets your experiences/desires to develop a unique plan personalised to you. 

That may include a variety of modalities such as NLP, Inner Work, Emotional Processing, Sound Healing and Reiki… and if you have no idea what any of that means, then don’t worry, I explain more here

Or you can just hop straight on a call with me! 

Trauma-Informed Healer & Coach

Specialising in chronic illnesses, such as M.E/CFS, Fibro, PoTS etc.